The 2023 Oscar nominations have been revealed, with the ceremony set to take place without any controversies, unlike the previous year’s event. Hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, the 95th Academy Awards will honor the best in film from the past year, including moving dramas such as Steven Spielberg’s semi-autobiographical film “The Fabelmans”, Martin McDonagh’s “The Banshees of Inisherin”, and “Everything Everywhere All at Once” by the Daniels. Additionally, the ceremony will also recognize the year’s two biggest blockbusters, “Top Gun: Maverick” and “Avatar: The Way of Water”.
2023 Oscar Nominations Finally Announced
The 2023 Oscar nominations have been announced, with “Everything Everywhere All at Once” leading the pack with 11 nominations, including Best Picture and several acting categories. “The Banshees of Inisherin” and “All Quiet on the Western Front” follow closely behind with nine nominations each. These three films are considered the frontrunners for the night’s highest honor, with the Daniels’ indie film being the early favorite to take home Best Picture.
The competition for Best Actor in a Leading Role is expected to be fierce between Butler, Farrell, and Fraser, with Butler and Farrell both having won Golden Globes and Fraser’s acclaimed performance in “The Whale” making him a strong contender. In the Best Actress in a Leading Role category, Blanchett, Yeoh, and Williams are all considered strong contenders, with Yeoh being the first Asian actor ever nominated in this category.
Nominations included a wide variety of films
This year’s nominations showcase a wide variety of films, including a Marvel movie, period dramas, action blockbusters, tragicomedies, indies, and genre-bending films like “Everything Everywhere All at Once”. The year’s two biggest blockbusters, “Top Gun: Maverick” and “Avatar: The Way of Water”, have also received Best Picture nods. With last year’s ceremony being filled with surprises, it’s safe to expect the unexpected when the 2023 Oscars airs on March 12 on ABC.
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