Christopher Nolan’s latest cinematic offering, Oppenheimer, has received an R-rating, according to THR. This is the first time a film directed by Nolan has earned such a rating since Insomnia in 2002, which followed the R-rated Memento in 2000. Subsequent films, including Inception, Dunkirk, Tenet, and the Dark Knight trilogy, had a PG-13 rating. Notably, Oppenheimer is the longest project Nolan has directed, coming in at just under three hours.
Christopher Nolan releasing his first film after his departure with Warner Bros.
Oppenheimer also marks Nolan’s first film after his tenure with Warner Bros., which began with Insomnia. His final film with the studio was released in the summer of 2020, during the height of the pandemic, which took a toll on the movie theater industry. The film did not perform as expected at the box office, which could be partly attributed to the pandemic. Following disagreements over the studio’s 2021 day-and-date release strategy, Nolan left Warner Bros. Reports suggested that he was setting up a new project with Universal, which was subsequently confirmed to be Oppenheimer.
Despite the divergence from his usual ratings, Nolan’s long-time fans will find a familiar face in Oppenheimer. The director has given Cillian Murphy the lead role in the film, after casting him in several of his previous movies. Murphy, who plays J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, expressed his excitement about his first leading role in a Nolan film.
“I’m still a bit in shock about [being cast in the lead], but I’m thrilled,” Murphy told Esquire. “It’s a huge part and a lot of work. But in my estimation, you’re working with one of the greatest living directors, so you’re in safe hands.”
Oppenheimer boasts a star-studded cast
Oppenheimer was written, directed, and produced by Nolan, alongside Emma Thomas and Charles Roven. The film boasts a star-studded cast, including Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, Rami Malek, Benny Safdie, Josh Hartnett, Michael Angarano, David Dastmalchian, Jack Quaid, Jason Clarke, and Dane DeHaan.
Oppenheimer is set to be released in theaters on July 21, 2023, the same day as Greta Gerwig’s Barbie, a film strikingly different from Nolan’s historical epic. Some social media users have noted the intriguing box-office clash between the two films.
In response to the supposed Barbie vs. Oppenheimer rivalry, star Matt Damon, per Vanity Fair, encouraged moviegoers to see both films. “People are allowed to go see two movies in a weekend. Oppenheimer is one of them!” he said.
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